Mobil Unirex N 2

Product code:
Mobil Unirex N 2 – grease of NLGI 2 grade
Brand Mobil
Base Mineral
Grade NLGI 2
Thickener Lithium
Colour Green
Package (Kilograms):
18 kg 180 kg
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9,900 ₴ 11,000 ₴
  Product is certified and meets all necessary international quality standards. The originality of the product is guaranteed by official distributor.

Categories: Greases and Pastes


Product Description

Unirex N greases are premium-quality, lithium-complex products suitable for high-temperature service in rolling-element bearings. These versatile greases can be used in a wide range of industrial applications and are particularly recommended for electric-motor lubrication.

Unirex N greases are not intended to be used under extreme pressure conditions where extra anti-welding properties are required.

Unirex N 2 meets the requirements of Lubricating Grease DIN 51825 - K2N - 20L and ISO L-XBDHA 2.

Features and Benefits

Unirex N greases exhibit excellent high and low temperature performance, resistance to water and corrosion, and long service life in a range of bearing applications.

Unirex N greases offer the following benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent high-temperature performance Lithium-complex thickener resists softening / running out of bearings at temperatures up to 190 °C
Outstanding grease life Laboratory bearing rig tests show outstanding continuous lubrication performance at bearing temperatures of up to 140 °C
Very good low-temperature characteristics Start-up power requirements are low at temperatures down to at least -20°C. Meets DIN 51825 low temperature torque requirements at -20 °C
Excellent mechanical stability Exhibits excellent resistance to softening due to mechanical working
Excellent water and corrosion resistance Resists water washout and protects bearings against corrosion
Excellent performance in high-speed applications Channelling characteristics provide excellent performance in high- speed deep-groove ball bearings


Unirex N 2 is recommended for the lubrication of electric motors. It is suitable for NEMA (National Electric Manufacturer's Association) Insulation Class A, B, and F motors.

Most of the uses for Unirex N involve manual methods of application. Although Unirex N 2 is suitable for use in automatic centralized systems, equipment served by these systems would normally not require the long-life properties of Unirex N, since one of the functions of automatic systems is to replenish the lubricant at relatively short time intervals.

Specifications and Approvals

This product meets or exceeds the requirements of:
DIN 51825:2004-06 - K 2 N -20 L
ISO 6743-9: 2003 L-XBDHA 2

Properties and Specifications

Property Value
Grade NLGI 2
Thickener Type Lithium Complex
Color, Visual Green
Dropping Point, °C, ASTM D2265 210
Oil Separation, 30 h @ 100 C, mass%, ASTM D6184 1.5
Penetration, 100 KX, 0.1 mm, ASTM D217 25
Penetration, 60X, 0.1 mm, ASTM D217 280
SKF Emcor Rust Test, Distilled Water, ASTM D6138 0 , 1
Viscosity @ 100 C, Base Oil, mm2/s, ASTM D445 12.2
Viscosity @ 40 C, Base Oil, mm2/s, ASTM D445 115
Viscosity Index, ASTM D2270 95
Water Washout, Loss @ 79 C, wt%, ASTM D1264 3.7


Mobil is the world's leading synthetic greases brand delivering our ultimate performance and protection. Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

Revision: 04-2024

Brand Mobil
Base Mineral
Grade NLGI 2
Thickener Lithium
Colour Green
Upper Working Temperature + 140 °C
Lower Working Temperature − 20 °C
DIN K 2 N -20 L
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